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The nutrientprofiler package aims to provide a series of R functions that implement UK Nutrient Profiling Model scoring that can be applied across product datasets.

This is broken up into 3 parts within the package:

  • Specific gravity conversions
  • Scoring the different nutritional components of the NPM score
  • Calculating the NPM score and NPM assessment logic

To start we load the package the with command below.

We can also load some example data to help us with the following examples. This data was created specifically for this package and so is potentially quite different to how your real world data might look.

#> [1] 10 21
cdrcdrinks[1, ]
#>     name brand product_category product_type food_type drink_format drink_type
#> 1 lembas    NA               NA         Food                                  
#>   nutrition_info energy_measurement_kj energy_measurement_kcal
#> 1                                  266                      NA
#>   sugar_measurement_g fat_measurement_g salt_measurement_g
#> 1                  50                 3                 NA
#>   sodium_measurement_mg fibre_measurement_nsp fibre_measurement_aoac
#> 1                   0.6                     3                     NA
#>   protein_measurement_g fruit_nut_measurement_percent weight_g volume_ml
#> 1                     7                             0      100        NA
#>   volume_water_ml
#> 1              NA

Specific gravity conversions

When trying to determine the NPM score the volume or weight of the product needs to be adjusted to account for it’s specific gravity.

To adjust product weights or volumes for specific gravity we use the SGConverter function. This is a high level function that is designed to operate on each row of a data.frame parsing multiple columns to determine how to calculate the adjusted specific gravity score.

Warning: The `SGConverter` function has been specifically designed with an
existing dataset in mind and expects specific column names to work.
# using dplyr
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
cdrcdrinks %>%
  rowwise() %>%
  mutate(out = SGConverter(pick(everything()))) %>%
#> # A tibble: 10 × 1
#> # Rowwise: 
#>      out
#>    <dbl>
#>  1 100  
#>  2 130  
#>  3 104  
#>  4 129. 
#>  5 103  
#>  6 100  
#>  7  51.5
#>  8  25  
#>  9 124. 
#> 10 109

# using base R
cdrcdrinks["sg"] <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(nrow(cdrcdrinks)), function(i) SGConverter(cdrcdrinks[i, ])))

The below figure attempts to outline the hierarchy of function calls that SGConverter initiates. The logic for determining how to adjust values for specific gravity is complicated by the potential options around whether a drink is ready-to-drink, a powdered preparation, or a cordial, within both the powdered and cordial options additional consideration must be given to the preparation instructions that are provided. In the below figure each function is named in each node and each column name the function uses to dispatch to underlying functions is specified in single quotes. If a function returns a value it is marked with an empty diamond.

SGConverter logic

Nutrient profile model scoring

The next part of this package is a series of functions for handling Nutrient Profile Model scoring. These specifically look at functions for adjusting units into the expected unit as documented for the Nutrient Profile Model, a generic scoring function for returning a score for a value given a number of thresholds, a scoring dispatcher function that determines what adjuster and scoring thresholds to use for a given value and a high level NPMScore wrapper function that shows the logic for calculating the NPM score across multiple nutritional groups for a data.frame of data.

A quick example of running NPMScore across a single row of data is shown below:

NPMScore(cdrcdrinks[1,], sg_adjusted_label="sg")
#>   energy_score sugar_score fat_score protein_score salt_score fvn_score
#> 1            0          10         2             4          0         0
#>   fibre_score
#> 1           4

An example of building a tidyverse pipeline to calculate scores across all rows of a data.frame using NPMScore and SGConverter is shown below:


cdrcdrinks %>% 
  rowwise() %>% 
  mutate( sg = SGConverter(pick(everything()))) %>% 
  mutate(test = NPMScore(pick(everything()), sg_adjusted_label="sg")) %>% 
  unnest(test) %>% select(energy_score, sugar_score, salt_score, fvn_score,
  protein_score, fat_score, fibre_score)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 7
#>    energy_score sugar_score salt_score fvn_score protein_score fat_score
#>           <dbl>       <dbl>      <dbl>     <dbl>         <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1            0          10          0         0             4         2
#>  2            0           3          0         0             1         8
#>  3            2           2          1         0             0         0
#>  4            0           2          0         0             0         0
#>  5            2           4          0         0             0         0
#>  6            0           4          0         0             2        10
#>  7            1           6          2         0             0         0
#>  8            2          10          4         0             1         0
#>  9            2           3          0         0             0         0
#> 10            2           3          0         0             0         0
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: fibre_score <dbl>

Nutrient Profile Model assessment

After calculating the scores for specific nutrients for our product next we need to perform the actual Nutrient Profile Model assessment. This involves combining individual nutrient scores to calculate an A score and a C score and use these compound to calculate a total Nutrient Profile Model score and assess this to determine a pass or fail.

This package implements this logic in a high-level wrapper function called NPMAssess which operates on a row of a data.frame. It expects the columns generated in the previous NPMScore step to allow it to calculate the A score and C score and can be used as follows:

# create NPM_score data.frame from NPMScore
# using the specific gravity `sg` column created above
npm_scores <-
            function(i) NPMScore(cdrcdrinks[i, ], sg_adjusted_label = "sg")

# append NPM Score columns to original data
combo_df <- cbind(cdrcdrinks, npm_scores)

# test NPMAssess on this data
NPMAssess(combo_df[1, ])
#>   A_score C_score NPM_score NPM_assessment
#> 1      12       8         8           FAIL

We can also use tidyverse functions to build an entire pipeline for running Nutrient Profile Model assessments.

# using tidyr

cdrcdrinks %>% 
  rowwise() %>% 
  mutate( sg = SGConverter(pick(everything()))) %>% 
  mutate(test = NPMScore(pick(everything()), sg_adjusted_label="sg")) %>% 
  unnest(test) %>% 
  rowwise() %>%
  mutate(assess = NPMAssess(pick(everything()))) %>%
  unnest(assess) %>%
  select(product_type, NPM_score, NPM_assessment)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 3
#>    product_type NPM_score NPM_assessment
#>    <chr>            <dbl> <chr>         
#>  1 Food                 8 FAIL          
#>  2 Food                11 FAIL          
#>  3 Drink                5 FAIL          
#>  4 Drink                2 FAIL          
#>  5 Drink                6 FAIL          
#>  6 Food                14 FAIL          
#>  7 Drink                9 FAIL          
#>  8 Drink               16 FAIL          
#>  9 Drink                5 FAIL          
#> 10 Drink                5 FAIL

The building blocks of NPMAssess are explained in more detail in the Nutrient Profile Model Assessment vignette